Just to let any readers (and fellow Scoop Troop members) know that I am still alive, and will be posting something relevant this week. I made a $100 deposit into 'Stars this week, but haven't touched it yet. Been too busy distracting Dom on Football Manager to play any poker. I promise I'll play some this week though !
In the meantime, here's a lovely random picture for you all to enjoy. 3 questions to answer:
1. (Easy) Where is this taken ?
2. (Med) Who is on the far right of the photo (beside Fraser Millar) ?
3. (Hard) What year and DUPS event was this taken at ?
well.... its clearly hustlers since u never took pictures of anywhere else at the time..
i think thats will but not sure.
i think i was ata this event, the arran keable invitational? i remember the shirt, could be wrong, cause arrans only got 2 shirts.
1) Correct (you saw your fair share of the place too mate :-) )
2) Yes, it is Will, WP.
3) Incorrect. Clue, it's earlier than that.
Almost certain it's one of the DUPS piss-ups, preseason. Can't be 2004/05, don't even remember us having one. So I'd say 2005/06. 06/07 would have been Laings.
Oh, and Arran having two shirts is a lie.
He's only got one, that purple pin strip effort is borrowed.
Get that man a drink !
Yes, that's right, Dom. Only time Arran ever had a drink with DUPS (except when he got turfed out of Abertay & the recent debacle on Perth Road)
fucking light weight.
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